Restore Rome for real! Become the Pontifex Maximus and make your non-marriageable daughter into a Vestal Virgin! Hellenic Polytheism īecoming the Pontifex Maximus, highest authority of the Hellenic faith

Druids are respected in Celtic society, but they can never rule. Druidic caste: Celtic Pagan rulers send their children to be educated either as Warriors or Druids.The truly glorious may become a Living Legend! Headhunters: accomplished Celtic warriors may become headhunters, collecting the heads of their defeated enemies and preserving them in Juniper oil as trophies.But do not stay at peace for too long, or they will grow restless.

Its warriors also fight with greater valor when defending their lands. Heroic religion: the Celtic faith can raise more warriors, happy to prove their worth.King of the Elves!: as a lunatic or possessed character, anything can happen!.Journey to St Kilda: there are some rumors of Celts in Innse Gall province, and who may have knowledge on curing illnesses.Old Wizard: adopt Celtic rites and attempt to restore the old faith.Sweep Prydain as a Celtic Pagan and cast out the last remnants of foreign rule! Reform the faith and establish the Circle of Druids, with the Arch Druid at its head!ĭruidic revival events require character with Celtic culture: There are some old cultures that can be revived as well:Ĭreating the Sons of Gwydion as the Druidic Emperor of Alba Pre-reformed, Decadence, Concubinage, Divine blood, female temple holders None (The Paragon Cult of Aten once restored) Pre-reformed, Concubinage, Divine blood, female temple holders None (The Paragon Cult of Amun once restored) Looting, Concubinage, female temple holders, 400% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal levies Holy war, County Conquest, Subjugation, Promethean expansion Pre-reformed, female temple holders, feminist, 50% short reign penalty, piety bonus while at peace, can designate heir Holy war, Great holy wars, County Conquest, Subjugation, Hellenic county liberation.

Pre-reformed, Looting, Concubinage, female temple holders. None (The Pontificate Maxima once restored) Looting, Concubinage, Reformation, female temple holders, feminist, defensive attrition, 200% short reign penalty, prestige loss while at peace, no penalty from raised vassal leviesĬircle of Druids, Concubinage, female temple holders, feminist, 200% short reign penalty This mod is generally not compatible with any mod that modifies vanilla files. RoI enables Celtic reincarnation event chain.SoA enables some minor holy order decisions and events, and the Circle of Druids.LoR enables restoring the Roman empire as Hellenic pagan, while controlling Byzantine empire, and retinues and building for Roman, Gaulish and Coptic cultures.Some other DLCs are optional and enable extra flavour: The Old Gods DLC is required to play the ancient religions, as they are part of the pagan group. February 2015: mod is released on Steam Workshop.January 2015: second life of the mod, with modders: theStormWeaver, Romulien and jbelig.2013-2014 (alpha): alpha with new features from superskierpat, including merge of the two Celtic religions into one, and compatibility patches with vanilla releases.June 2013: first releases from superskierpat and jonseverinsson, with 3 religions (Brythonic Druidism, Gaelic Paganism, Hellenic polytheism).Here are some important milestones in the history of the mod: